Showing 25–27 of 27 results

Cerwin-Vega Mobile XE12DV XED Series Dual Subwoofers in Loaded Enclosure (XE12DV, Dual 12-Inch)


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Cerwin-Vega Mobile V124DV2 Vega Series DVC Subwoofer (12-Inch, 1,300 Watts, Dual 2 Ohms/4 Ohms)


Check the long description below for a detailed information about the product, brand, model, manufacturer, warranty or return policy. If you need help, don’t hesitate to contact customer support.

Cerwin-Vega Mobile HS122D HED Series DVC Shallow Subwoofer (12″, 2ohm )


Check the long description below for a detailed information about the product, brand, model, manufacturer, warranty or return policy. If you need help, don’t hesitate to contact customer support.