Showing 25–30 of 30 results

Frigidaire EFMIS129-WHITE .5-Cubic-Foot Retro Portable Mini Fridge (White)


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Frigidaire EFMIS129-RED .5-Cubic-Foot Retro Portable Mini Fridge (Red)


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Frigidaire EFMIS129-PINK .5-Cubic-Foot Retro Portable Mini Fridge (Pink)


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Frigidaire EFMIS129-MINT 6-Can Retro Portable Beverage Refrigerator


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Frigidaire EFMIS129-BLUE .5-Cubic-Foot Retro Portable Mini Fridge (Blue)


Check the long description below for a detailed information about the product, brand, model, manufacturer, warranty or return policy. If you need help, don’t hesitate to contact customer support.

Frigidaire EFMIS129-BLACK .5-Cubic-Foot Retro Portable Mini Fridge (Black)


Check the long description below for a detailed information about the product, brand, model, manufacturer, warranty or return policy. If you need help, don’t hesitate to contact customer support.